Red maple leaves shine through the ripples at the edge of Wilber Lake, Otsego County, New York, on a sunny fall day.Sometimes it's nice to just get out and make some pretty pictures.
red maple leaves
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Monday, October 26, 2009
drugs for This American Life
Last week I shot another assignment for NPR's This American Life. They asked me to come up with an illustration for this week's episode — Someone Else’s Money: a look inside the health insurance industry. Aired this past weekend.
After pondering it for a few days, I was hit with a stroke of brilliance (or lunacy) one night. I got up at midnight to fashion this stretcher out of a dollar bill and q-tips.
Last week's photo contest got such great responses I'll try it again.
Free 5 x 7 print of this photo to the first person who can correctly identify the secret ingredient I used to attach the stretcher to the pill bottles. Send your guesses to:
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Atomic Lake
Lake Balapan was created when an underground nuclear test in Kazakhstan blew the top off of a mountain.Sixty years ago, the Soviet Union began testing nuclear bombs on the steppe in northern Kazakhstan. In the Semipalatinsk Polygon, researchers detonated nearly 460 nuclear explosions above and below ground over a 40-year period, ending in 1989.
Today, October 19, 2009, marks the twentieth anniversary of Kazakhstan’s nuclear testing moratorium, the result of a rare Soviet grassroots environmental campaign. Kazakhstan once had the world’s fourth largest nuclear arsenal. It has since become the first country to become nuclear-free.
Lake Balapan, also known as Atomic Lake, was created when an underground nuclear test blew the top off of a mountain. The resulting crater filled with water and is one of the most radioactive sites within the 6,950-square-mile Polygon. Recently, local shepherds have watered their sheep at the lake, not believing scientific warnings about the dangers of doing so.
Nurlan Khamiev is the director of the Shorskoye Mine, one of two mines still operating within the contaminated Polygon.
See another Polygon photo here.
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Monday, October 19, 2009
drowning for This American Life
I'm a photojournalist. I don't get into the studio that often. So it was a fun change of pace last week to shoot this photo for NPR's This American Life. I was asked to create photos to illustrate the theme of this week's show, More is Less: the rising costs of health care.
Wait, you say, isn't TAL a radio show? Yes, but nowadays even radio shows need good photos.
Free 5 x 7 print of this photo to the first person who can correctly identify either the doll or one of the pills used in this photo. Send your guesses to:
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Monday, October 12, 2009
homecoming in a new home
With all my years of experience as a staff photographer for the University of Wisconsin, I decided I should start seeking new clients at the many colleges and universities here in New York.
So last weekend I photographed Homecoming at Hartwick College, just across the valley from our new home.
The Hartwick College football team runs out on the field at the start of their homecoming game against Ithaca College.

Alumnae Judy Lindberg and Kathleen Carver-Cheney and many other alums covered the hillside above Wright stadium.

No matter how many times I photograph cheerleaders, I always get a kick out of them. It was a lovely day, even though Hartwick lost to Ithaca 24-20.
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Wednesday, October 07, 2009