If you tried to visit my website www.mfrphoto.com lately, you've discovered that it is not there.
Gone. Vanished. Up in a cloud of pixels.
Here is what went wrong: Northwest merged with Delta. Really. That's why.
See: no NW = no more NW Visa card = new account number = failed automated billing = big electronic burp = unpaid bill = warning sent to old address = this morning, they deleted my entire website.
Even though I plunked down my electronic 59 bucks before I rushed off to the next thing (packing my bags for heart surgery), it didn't help.
Of course, they could undelete it, but I am not willing to pay their ransom. My homepage will forward here to my blog until I return to the U.S. and have time to deal with it.
Blog posts
Where's the website?
Posted by Michael Forster Rothbart on Sunday, June 14, 2009