"Who does not love wine, women and songHappy new year from Tbilisi, Georgia. I'm here for 10 days covering their Presidential election. With a pause today for a little celebrating.
Remains a fool his whole life long." – Johann Heinrich Voss (1751–1826)
I joined 15,000+ Georgians in Freedom Square to blast in 2008. New Year's Eve celebrations here consist primarily of wine, music, wine, dancing, wine and firecrackers.
(Oh, did I mention the wine?)
Though it was crowded, I didn't take many crowd shots, but lots of pictures of sweet cuddly couples. Amidst all the hullaballoo, I was missing my sweetheart, regretting that we have now spent at least 33 out of the last 35 years apart at New Years.
May you all have a joyous and peaceful 2008!
Here are a few more shots from the festivities. (Click to see larger).
Gregorian choir. Girl watching fireworks. Girl with sparkler. Dance troupe Rustavi.