(Ok, technically the college president has recommended Amy for tenure. Tenure is not official until the trustees vote on it in February, but the trustees always follow the president’s recommendation.)
Good news: a success story
(Ok, technically the college president has recommended Amy for tenure. Tenure is not official until the trustees vote on it in February, but the trustees always follow the president’s recommendation.)
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Wisconsin Bookfest
I am looking forward to going back to Madison for my Chernobyl book reading at the Wisconsin Bookfest! Oct 19, 11 AM.
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Monday, September 29, 2014
diary of a solo parent, week 2
Posts about parenting while Amy was away, continued.
Archived from www.facebook.com/mfrphoto
Week 1 is here: http://mfrphoto.blogspot.com/2014/06/diary-of-solo-parent.html
June 28:
1. Don't expect to sit down for a full a meal in the next decade.
2. Serve small portions and save some in reserve.
June 30:
July 1:
July 2:
July 3:
Day 14 of solo parenting. We're eagerly awaiting Amy's arrival. She landed in the US 17 hours ago, but she was too tired to drive home... At least that gave me a last night to vacuum the filthy rugs.
July 4:
The prodigal mother has returned.
July 5:
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Saturday, July 05, 2014
diary of a solo parent
Hi blog readers,
My wife is away for 2 weeks and I started writing about it on Facebook. Below are the first few entries and you can find more here: www.facebook.com/mfrphoto
June 21
Day 0.
After 2 exciting weeks in Ukraine I came home - and today Amy left for 2 weeks in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Someday we'll travel together again... but for now I'm on dad duty until July 3.
My question is: what should I do to surprise my wife when she returns? What would you want?
June 22
Day 1 of solo parenting: the kids begged for a swim and a picnic and I complied, even though it made for late bedtimes.
Day 2 of solo parenting: Natalie likes to make declarative sentences and then feels a need to prove herself right. As in: I don't need to hold hands to cross the street! Or: I don't like this toothpaste [which she has used every night for months], I like yours! Or: I need to wear a diaper! Why does Jacob get one, I need one too!
June 24
Day 3 of solo parenting. How do single parents do this? Today I was so busy working that I barely had time to go to Work.
6 pm is not the best time to grocery shop with 2 young kids, but it was the only time it fit. Had I not kept policing Natalie, our cart would have ended up with matzoh ball soup mix, froot loops, honey nut cheerios, 16 hot dog buns, organic multigrain penne, and single-serving cups of cinnamon applesauce in it. As she proudly announced at checkout: "I helped my daddy the WHOLE TIME!"
Day 4 of solo parenting.
Me: Natalie, no more snuggles, you need to go to sleep. It's late, it's 10:30 at night.
I leave, followed by minutes of Natalie screaming and banging on her door.
Natalie: Daddy come back now, I'm really ready, I need a hug, I hitted my head.
Me: I won't come back unless you lay your head on your pillow and stop talking.
Natalie: I don't want daddy's rules, I want mommy's rules.
Confession: I am so cold hearted when Natalie has her meltdowns, which are frequent. But what am I teaching her by refusing her more coddling?
I read an article yesterday about the psychobiology of love, and the "micromoments of connection" that build love up. How important physical contact and eye contact are to feeling loved and teaching lovingkindess.
So at school drop off this morning, I tried asking Natalie to look into my eyes when she was upset and she refused to do it. Too much intimacy for her? She wanted to hug but averted her eyes and then pushed away.
When did you last stare lovingly into your kids' eyes? I am now convinced I do it too rarely.
June 26:
Day 5 of solo parenting. I was tired all day after Natalie stayed up late and woke up early. Tonight I just decided to fall asleep in her room. I'll stagger off to my own bed now after filing this report.
Week 2 is here:
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Meet Vitaly, reluctant campaigner
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Saturday, May 24, 2014
TEDx talk: Boxing Outside the Think
My talk is temporarily online. Check it out while supplies last! (Eventually it will be edited and up on the TED site but I'm not sure when.)
For now, view it here on the livestream page. My talk starts at 53:20.
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Friday, April 11, 2014
NPPA awards announced
Wow! I am honored to be among an amazing group of photographers recognized today by National Press Photographers Association's Best Of Photojournalism 2014.
I can't quite believe I won 3 awards considering how much great work is out there. Really, 1 award would have been plenty!
• Multimedia Tablet/Mobile Category: First Place: Michael Forster Rothbart for ZUMA Press for "Would You Stay?”
• Best Use of Multimedia Category: Third Place: Michael Forster Rothbart and ZUMA Press for "Would You Stay? Life After Chernobyl and Fukushima."
Chang W. Lee, Barry Bearak, and The New York Times won first, and the indomitable Kainaz Amaria from National Public Radio won second.
• Contemporary Issues Category: Honorable Mention: Michael Forster Rothbart of ZUMA Press shooting for TED Books
Congrats also to Smiley Pool, Scott Strazzante, Claire O'Neill, Brian Storm, Josh Haner, James Estrin, Sara Lewkowicz, Corey Perrine, Mark Ovaska and many others for some amazing work which you can check out here: https://nppa.org/news/new-york-times-wins-nppas-best-use-multimedia
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Big Data test photos
In case you're wondering: 3 digital projectors as main light sources plus 2 off-camera flashes for sidelight/rim light.
Update: final photos posted here.
Posted by
Michael Forster Rothbart
Wednesday, January 29, 2014